


How to delegate Agoric tokens (BLD)?


You can stake your own tokens and locked tokens.

Validator address: agoricvaloper1w2fe5lu8jp02xtaxlak0456fjthe588xwqjmaz

Link to explorer  

The full guide:

1. Install Keplr by using this link (Chrome-based browsers only):

Agoric 1

Keplr wallet

Agoric 3

Create new account or import existing:

Agoric 4

Do not forget to save your mnemonic (12 or 24 words in the red box, you should save that in the file or write it down on the sheet) if you create a new one wallet:

Agoric 5

Repeat your mnemonic:

Agoric 6

Agoric 7

2. Connecting to the Agoric network

Open your wallet:

Agoric 8

Switch to Agoric network:

Agoric 9

Agoric 10

You can get you wallet address via hover on the address:

Agoric 11

3. Delegate

Open this link and follow the screenshots:

Choose your own amount (we do not recommend delegate all of your tokens because of transaction fees, so click "Max" and reduce amount):

Agoric 12

Don't fill out the memo!
After successfull sending the delegate tx you now will be able to manage your stake:

Agoric 13

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